Seven Critical Activities For Growth: Build Your Contact List

Seven Critical Activities For Growth

The “market” for new church members is huge today. Studies say 60-70% of the people in any urban center are not attending church (or a temple or mosque for that matter). So why are new church starts failing at the same rate as Amway distributors? The reasons are the...
Seven Critical Activities For Growth: Build Your Contact List

The “Big 5” Kill Growth

I cannot get over how much feuding I see in the smaller (under 100 in worship attendance) United Methodist Churches I am encountering on my journey. My hypothesis (good SAT word) is…most churches cease to grow (and even decline) because of the influence of 2-5...
Seven Critical Activities For Growth: Build Your Contact List

Have a “Peace” Christmas

I grew up in a warm climate city and never experienced a snowy Christmas day as a child. But I always wanted to know what the falling snow looked, sounded, and tasted like. As an adult I have had the opportunity to experience the beauty of winter and the tranquility...