Rapid. Experiential. Adaptation. Labs.


Christian Washington Speaks

Much in demand as a public speaker, Christian Washington has delivered powerful keynotes, talks, sermons and workshops to audiences from 50 to over 5000 throughout the United States and around the world including Kenya, South Africa, Canada, Bermuda, The Bahamas, and The US Virgin Islands.

Keynote Speeches/Talks
  • Destroying the Fear Factor
  • Destroying the Fear Factor for Kids/Youth
  • Destroying the Box (facing adaptive problems)
  • The Hero's Journey from Success to Significance 
  • Take the Red Pill (Accepting the Call to Adventure)
  • Take the Red Pill (Navigating Life at a Crossroads)
  • You are Significant Because God Says So (The Intrinsic worth of humans)
  • A Theology of Significance 
  • The Hero's Journey to Significance 
  • Happiness is a Trap (Freedom is the true Goal)
  • Life is a Steeplechase (The Power of Staying Focused on your Destination)
  • Moses is Dead (Your time is Now) 
  • Why Was I Born? (How to Exegete your Life)
  • Give, Teach, Own, Zone (4 Lifestyles of Significance)
  • Philanthropy is Your Job Description 
  • Stop, Drop, and Run (3 Principles of Sustained Growth)
  • Jesus Loves Social Justice 
  • Jesus Loves Philanthropy 
  • Jesus Loves Radical Inclusion  
  • My Mother Always Whispered, "White People” (Even when there were no White people around.)
  • Customized keynotes, talks and sermons using the theme of your event
Event Workshops and Breakout Sessions
  • Adaptive Leadership Development
  • Creating Vision, Mission, and Values that Inspire Growth 
  • The 4 Principles of Collaborative Change 
  • How to Lead Rapid Change and Adaptation 
  • Water Walking 101 (Risk Taking Driven by Data and Faith)
  • Destroying the Box (How to Get Unstuck and Maximize Your Impact)
  • How to Design Powerful Collaborative Sessions  
  • Customized sessions designed for your event theme
Christian Washington Quotes
  • "The hardest model to change is one that works."
  • "Evolving as an organization is NOT about getting or thinking outside the box...it's about DESTROYING the box altogether!"
  • "No system changes unless it's disturbed or disrupted."
  • "We have perfected the art of creating the kind of constructive disruption that leads to needed changes."
  • "I never run out of ideas and strategies... the key is identifying the good ones."
  • "Willpower can’t overcome your greatest fears... you need 'not-my-will' power for that."
  • "I bring theological, DEI and philanthropic depth to collaborative design and facilitation."
  • "For me the gospel boils down to 'You are significant because God says so...You were created to do Significant things!'"  
  • "My calling as a speaker is to awaken people (and organizations) to their existential significance and call them to the ‘adventure’ of their lives."
  • "My calling as a consultant is the equip, coach and mentor people (and orgs) to identify and DO the significant things they are here to do."
  • "Give me a couple of hours and I'll unlock your capacity to generate good ideas."